Creative Slurp

28. How to start a blog

Episode Summary

So you've heard about how brilliant blogs can be, but how do you start one? Here are my top tips for getting started on creating a brilliant blog - which will grow your audience and your business.

Episode Notes

So you've heard about how brilliant blogs can be, but how do you start one?  Here are my top tips for getting started on creating a brilliant blog - which will grow your audience and your business.

Here's a reminder of what I go through on the podcast (and some handy links):

1. Get clear on your mission

2. Set up a platform - use your existing platform if you already have a website.  If you haven't got a website yet, then I recommend setting up a Wordpress blog.  You'll need 3 things - a domain (you can buy these at, download your site software for free at here.  And you'll also need a site host - I use SiteGround, which is amazing.  Dr Andy Williams' book: 'Wordpress for beginners'  is brilliant! You can get it here (he releases a new edition every year).

3. Commit to when you're going to post

4. Brainstorm ideas beforehand - try and think about what your customers already ask you, or what they might need/like to know.

5. Batch and schedule. Blogging takes less time if you write as many posts as you can when you're in the mood and then schedule them to go out regularly.  For example, even if you blog weekly, you only need to spend one day a month writing blog posts and then you can schedule them in for the whole month.  Giving you headspace for other things!

Enjoy starting your blog, and if you need any help, drop me a line at