Creative Slurp

27. Are you ready to take the Creative Slurp challenge?

Episode Summary

So often we carry around limiting beliefs around with us about our abilities - especially when it comes to creativity. I myself have carried the limiting belief that I can't draw or paint for around 30 years! But no more, I've set myself a challenge to draw and paint every day for 30 days - will you join me to face your creative demons? You just need to do whatever scares you creatively for 15 mins a day for 30 days. Tag me in your progress with #creativeslurpchallenge. Let's smash those limiting beliefs holding us back creatively and mentally!

Episode Notes

So often we carry around limiting beliefs around with us about our abilities - especially when it comes to creativity.

I myself have carried the limiting belief that I can't draw or paint for around 30 years! But no more, I've set myself a challenge to draw and paint every day for 30 days - will you join me to face your creative demons? You just need to do whatever scares you creatively for 15 mins a day for 30 days.  

Tag me in your progress on Instagram with #creativeslurpchallenge. Let's smash those limiting beliefs holding us back creatively and mentally!  And follow my progress to see if I can change how I feel about my artistic abilities!